Why Space Weather Forecasting is Essential for Your Business
Low Earth Orbit
More than 8,000 active satellites in low Earth orbit, and countless orbital debris, are subject to the whims of space weather. Geomagnetic disturbances can increase density in the thermosphere, causing satellites to lose altitude and potentially collide with debris or crash back to Earth. They can also cause voltage imbalances across a spacecraft’s surface, damage sensitive components, and disrupt communication links and navigation signals, resulting in degraded performance or mission failures.
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Existing forecasts of space weather on the low Earth orbit environment can be unreliable, come from a variety of disparate sources, and aren’t geared toward operational needs. Lynker Space provides highly skilled forecasts of space weather and its impacts – on timescales ranging from seconds, to seasonal, to decadal — allowing satellite operators to protect assets and enhance operational efficiency in space. Our technology is underpinned by a unique understanding of what drives solar activity and the complex interactions between the solar and near-Earth environments.
Our operational dashboards and customized alerts allow satellite operators to implement mitigating actions such as maneuvers to avoid a close approach or collisions. Our strategic planning dashboards support crucial mission planning activities including assessment of launch risk, pointing stability, and de-orbit considerations. Consulting services to support mission concept feasibility evaluation, risk assessments, and budget estimates are also available.
Power grids, especially long-distance transmission systems, are particularly vulnerable to geomagnetically-induced currents caused by space weather disturbances. Because various systems and operators are interconnected through the grid, impacts can quickly spread far and wide, leading to damaged or destroyed equipment, collapse of the grid and long-lasting blackouts.
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Existing space weather forecasts can be unreliable and lack the detail needed to anticipate the severity of power grid impacts in specific locations. Lynker Space provides highly skilled forecasts of space weather and its localized impacts on power grids — on timescales ranging from seconds, to seasonal, to decadal – using technology underpinned by a unique understanding of what drives solar activity and the complex interactions between the solar and near-Earth environments.
Our operational dashboards and customized alerts allow power grid operators to implement mitigating actions in advance of incoming geomagnetic disturbances. Our strategic planning dashboards help operations ensure the future resilience of systems and their ability to meet reliability standards. Consulting services to support long-term planning and vulnerability assessments are also available.
Space weather poses a variety of everyday threats to the aviation sector, with impacts ranging from disrupted radio communications, GPS navigation errors, and harmful radiation exposure. Impacts can be especially acute for aircraft flight higher-latitude routes. Mitigating actions, such as re-routing to longer, lower-latitude routes, can increase fuel costs and cause flight delays.
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Existing space weather forecasts can be unreliable, can’t be easily integrated into airline operations, and don’t provide the lead time necessary for contingency planning. Lynker Space provides highly skilled forecasts of space weather and its impacts on aviation operations — on timescales ranging from seconds, to seasonal, to decadal — using technology underpinned by a unique understanding of what drives solar activity and the complex interactions between the solar and near-Earth environments.
Our operational dashboards and customized alerts allow airlines to better visualize and plan for space weather impacts across their operations, make earlier decisions, and integrate forecasts into route planning and pre-flight checks. Our strategic planning dashboards help airlines plan for future space weather impacts on flight schedules and fuel costs.
Consulting services to guide planning for new flight routes and ground-based infrastructure, support development of policies and procedures for space weather risks, and inform protocols for Safety Management Systems are also available.
Global Positioning
Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS), including the Global Positioning System, enable numerous technologies critical to our everyday lives, the global financial system, and national security. Space weather disturbances not only can damage GNSS satellites, but also can degrade the accuracy of GNSS signals or block them altogether, leading to costly and potentially dangerous disruptions in transportation, oil and gas, construction, banking and many other sectors.
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Existing space weather forecasts can be unreliable and often provide little advanced warning of impacts on GNSS. Lynker Space provides highly skilled forecasts of space weather – on timescales ranging from seconds, to seasonal, to decadal – using technology underpinned by a unique understanding of what drives solar activity and the complex interactions between the solar and near-Earth environments.
Our operational dashboards and customized alerts allow GNSS operators to implement mitigating actions in advance of incoming geomagnetic disturbances and severe ionospheric scintillations that can cause positioning errors and outages. Our strategic planning dashboards support longer-term planning around seasonal spikes in space weather events. Consulting services to support GNSS mission concept feasibility evaluation, orbit considerations, and risk assessments are also available.